Sill’s Cafe: Photo of The Day


For the past several months I’ve told you about great shops, restaurants, people, and places in District 17. Today’s story could possibly be about the most famous spot in our district–Sill’s Cafe. A quick internet search will prove that this place is known far and wide and is beloved in these parts.

Except for a couple of years in Redlands, California, I have lived here my whole life. For that entire time…and more….Sill’s Cafe has been serving delicious food in huge portions to old-timers and new-comers alike. The old-timers sit at the bar and chat with each other over their coffee and eggs. Coming here is part of their daily rituals.

As a student at Layton High School, my big brother, Bart, probably spent more time at Sill’s Cafe than he did in any of his classes. If my mom got the dreaded “your child is absent” phone call, she always knew where to find him. Bart wasn’t alone. High schoolers, truck drivers, businessmen, travelers, and families have all been dining her since 1957.

All of the food at Sill’s is delicious but their scones are particularly decadent and wonderful. Last Sunday as I was sitting in church, the little girl seated behind me starting talking about how much she would love to go get a scone from Sill’s–right now! She whispered on and on to her grandparents about how delicious they are. It’s pretty funny when your cafe’s food is the topic of conversation in local churches.

This morning, I went into Sill’s to take some photos. I had just taken photos of the wait staff, the cooks, and the folks seated at the counter when I heard, “Aunt Bonnie!” I turned around and there in the corner was my nephew, Matt, waving at me. Matt is a 30-something master carpenter who works for the local cabinet maker–Into the Woods. Matt and his boss, Tige, were sitting there enjoying a couple of Sill’s famous and monster-sized breakfasts. They told me they were skipping work. (It’s nice when the boss will skip work with you, right?)

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Matt is Bart’s oldest son. Apparently, this place is part of that family’s DNA. I would bet that Matt has been enjoying a “Dale’s Breakfast” for as long as he’s been alive. He may have even skipped a few high school classes to come here.

Thanks to all the folks at Sill’s Cafe who have worked so hard all these years to make us delicious food and for being such an important part of our community.

Review on Yelp

TripAdvisor Review

Sill’s Cafe on Facebook

Story in the Standard Examiner

City Search Review

Urban Spoon Review

Story on ABC4 Television

Salt Lake Magazine’s Story

5 thoughts on “Sill’s Cafe: Photo of The Day

  1. Hey, I was just C-ing my way through School. Wasn’t about to let book learning and tests interfere with the advanced education I was getting at Sills University and Coffee shop.

  2. It must run really deep in the family. I remember those few high school days down at Sill’s or Doug & Emmy’. I love their scones but I really LOVE their sweet rolls.

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